What is nephrology?
Nephrology is the field of medicine that deals with the functioning of kidneys. Normal functioning kidneys are required to maintain normal acid-base balance, water balance in the body, maintain BP within normal limits, remove toxins from blood.
What does a Nephrologist do?
A Nephrologist specialises in identifying & treating kidney related problem & also take care of dialysis & renal transplantation.
When should I consider visiting a Nephrologist?
When you are identified to have kidney related problems by your physician , you will be referred to a Nephrologist. If you have leg/face swelling, frothy urine, blood in urine, burning while urinating, breathlessness, increased creatinine, you should visit a Nephrologist.
What are the common causes of kidney failure?
Worldwide, most common causes of kidney failure are diabetes & hypertension. Besides, many other conditions, glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, obstruction & other congenital conditions also cause kidney failure.
What are the risk factor for kidney failure?
Uncontrolled diabetes, untreated hypertension, life style habits like obesity, excess salt intake, abusing on pain killers, ulcer medications, over the counter drugs & some alternate medications can lead to kidney failure.
Can kidney diseases be prevented?
Adequate control of blood sugar, blood pressure, healthy life style habits like reduced salt intake, avoiding processed foods, proper weight management, avoiding unnecessary & over the counter medications, early screening for kidney problems in high risk individuals can help in preventing kidney problems.
Can kidney failure be cured?
Acute kidney injury – kidney failure which happens over hours to days, if identified early & treated appropriately, can be cured in majority of cases. However, if kidney problem persists for over months, the chances of cure becomes less.
What are the basic tests needed to diagnose kidney problem?
Basic blood examination, renal function test with electrolytes, urine routine, ultrasound scan of abdomen are needed to diagnose kidney related ailments.
Is kidney biopsy painful? What are the complications of kidney biopsy? What are the precautions to be followed after kidney biopsy?
A kidney biopsy is a simple day care procedure done under local anaesthesia without pain. Because kidneys have high blood supply, very rarely there can be some bleeding during the procedure. After biopsy, the individual is advised to be avoid lifting weights, long distance travel for 24-48 hours.
When should I get a kidney biopsy?
Kidney biopsy gives a lot of information regarding the diagnosis & outcome of kidney problems. A kidney biopsy is done when there is protein or blood leaking in urine, un-explained kidney failure or in certain cases, to know the outcome of treatment.
Is dialysis painful?
No. Dialysis is a procedure where blood is purified of toxins & unnecessary substances with the help of a special filter & machine. Its not painful.
Is kidney transplantation successful?
Kidney transplantation is the best solution for end stage renal disease. With proper pre-transplant work up, adequate use of medications & early attention to complications, a good success rate of >95% can be achieved.
Meet the Doctor

Dr. Madhu Shankar Gunasekaran
Consultant Nephrologist, Renal transplant physician and hypertension specialist